Michael Jones McKean Studio, Twelve Earths research binders, 2019. (photo: Nick Davis)
The fall 2019 issue of Art Papers includes “All that Lies Out of Sight,” an illuminating conversation between artist Michael Jones McKean and Fathomers’ curator-at-large David Kim about Twelve Earths, the long-form (2017-2029) research project that McKean has been developing with Fathomers’ support.
They discuss art and social justice, the politics of deep time, and Twelve Earths’ ethos of collaboration — as well as practical concerns for making artwork on a global scale, and how the project grew out of The Great Circuit, a conceptual exploration that McKean completed in 2006 with curator Stacy Switzer and Fathomers’ forerunner, Grand Arts.
Learn more about Michael Jones McKean’s Twelve Earths here.